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Bridge Deal of the Week (May 24 2013)

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The Auction:

West North East South
Pass 1 Pass 2♣
Pass 2♠! Pass 2NT
Pass 3NT Pass 4NT
Pass 5 Pass 6♣

South’s opening bid was 1. North responded with 1♥. South bid 2♣ and North 2♠ (4th Suit Forcing to Game). South bid 2NT, North raised to 3NT. South asked for aces and after North responded 5 – South declared 6♣

West has led the 4.

Can you help South – how to find a way to 12 tricks?

Contract:6♣ by South

Vulnerable: North/South


A long side suit can be your best friend.

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Bridge Baron deal No: 12345

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Deal Of The Week