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Deal of the Week (May 24, 2013) Click here for Archives

The Auction:

West North East South
Pass 1 Pass 2♣
Pass 2♠! Pass 2NT
Pass 3NT Pass 4NT
Pass 5 Pass 6♣

South’s opening bid was 1. North responded with 1♥. South bid 2♣ and North 2♠ (4th Suit Forcing to Game). South bid 2NT, North raised to 3NT. South asked for aces and after North responded 5 – South declared 6♣

West has led the 4.

Can you help South – how to find a way to 12 tricks?

Contract:6♣ by South

Vulnerable: North/South


Although it is tempting to play a small heart from dummy and hope that West has underled the king and thus your Q may win the trick, it is too dangerous. You cannot risk losing the first trick, as you miss the ♠A too.

You take the first trick with dummy’s A (trick 1). Now you have two vulnerable suits – hearts and spades. But you have a 9-card suit of diamonds, which offers the possibility to discard the singleton spade from dummy – after you have pulled trumps.

You play the K from dummy and then the J, East covers; you take the trick with the A (tricks 2, 3). Your diamonds are winners now.

Next you lead the ♣K, then the ♣Q and ♣J (tricks 4, 5, 6). Now you can lead the 7, but you take this trick with dummy’s 10 – as you don’t want to be caught in dummy with no way to return (trick 7).

Then you lead the 2 from dummy, win the trick with your 8 and lead the 9 discarding a spade from dummy (tricks 8, 9). West discards a spade and two hearts, so does East.

The opponents have only the K left. You lead the Q, East wins the trick with the K – so the king was offside – and leads the ♠J (trick 10).

You duck and ruff with dummy’s ♣A. You still hold one club and dummy’s hearts have been promoted to winners now, so you can lead the 10 from dummy ditching your ♠K and then the 9 (tricks 12, 13).

 AQ10654 Deal  J972
 874  K532
 64  Q3
 102 943

South and North had five tricks in diamonds, four in clubs and three in hearts. The problem was – to promote the hearts into winners, one trick had to be given up to East. If the opponents had taken a trick with the ♠A before South gained lead and thus control, the contract would go down.

But South became the declarer and West had the opening lead. West – who held the ♠AQ – didn’t want to lead away from tenace and chose hearts instead, saving South.

If 6♣ were played by North, East would have probably led a small spade and after that there would have been no way to avoid losing two tricks and going down.


Par Contract Analysis:

The par contract on this deal is 4NT by South.

Bridge Baron deal No : 12345

You can download this deal in PPL format, and view it with Bridge Baron here :
Deal Of The Week
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