Deal of the Week (Feb 16, 2007) Click here for Archives |
Problem: West North East South You hold the South hand on this deal, which took place in a team-of-four event. The scoring is IMPs, where the objective is to make your contract and overtricks are insignificant. You open a 15-17 1NT, and end up in 3NT after East doubles partner's 2♣ Stayman bid to request a club lead. West dutifully leads the ♣9, East overtakes this with the 10. From the lead directing double and West's opening lead, you know that East has the missing club honors. So you duck this trick, in an attempt to sever defensive communications. This maneuver succeeds, as East cashes the ♣A with West following with the ♣4, and then plays the ♣Q to trick 3, with West discarding the ♠10. How do you continue?
There is a problem with playing a diamond to the Ace - if diamonds split 5-0 with West holding five diamonds, as on this hand, you can score only 2 more diamond tricks, as West will hold Q9xx over your KJ10x. The correct way to tackle the diamond suit is to cross to dummy in one of the major suits, and lead a low diamond from dummy, planning to insert the ten. When East shows out on this deal, you are now prepared to handle the 5-0 break, and insert the ten (playing the King and planning to play a diamond to the 8 works as well). West is welcome to win the Queen, but you will win West's major suit return in hand, play a diamond to the 8, cash the ♦A, come back to hand with the other major suit honor, and enjoy two more diamond tricks. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
While the diamond suit combination is not a difficult one, it is easy to be lulled into making the obvious play of diamond to the Ace. This deal is another illustration of the dangers of playing too fast, which is one of the main reasons even expert declarers go down on makeable contracts.
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There are other variations to the play, you can explore them for yourself using Bridge Baron's double dummy solver.
Bridge Baron deal No : N4145-91436-65018-76104-02618-46632 |
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