Deal of the Week (Apr 26, 2013) Click here for Archives |
Problem: The Auction:
* – Michaels cuebid The auction has been quite competitive, as both sides have found a fit. West opened with 1♥, North chimed in 2♥, showing a two-suited hand with 5+ spades and at least five cards in a minor suit. East jumped to 4♥, South needed no encouragement and bid 4♠, West went to 5♥ and North called 5♠. East has bid 6♥. We invite you to take the South seat – what are you going to bid? Contract: ? Vulnerable: North/South Solution: You have four spades and North’s overcall of 2♥ promises 5+ spades and a minor (5+ clubs or 5+ diamonds). Thus you have a good trump fit and maybe a fit in major, as you also hold four diamonds. East and West seem sure in their fit. It definitely feels like East/West believe they will make 6♥ as the opening bid by West found immediate positive response by East and they have not hesitated in going on. You decide to sacrifice and declare 6♠. West doubles and leads the ♣A (trick 1), then a small club to East’s ♣K (trick 2). You have a good fit – besides the two club losers you have a 9-card trump suit plus 10-card suit of diamonds. East leads the ♣Q next; you discard one of your hearts and ruff in dummy (trick 3). Then you lead the ♠10 from dummy and duck after East plays a small spade, the ♠10 holds (trick 4). Next you lead the ♠9 from dummy and East’s ♠K falls under your ace (trick 5). As the opponents have no more trumps, you can take all the rest of the tricks – six with diamonds (tricks 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11) and two with spades (tricks 12, 13). |