Deal of the Week (Nov 30, 2012) Click here for Archives |
Problem: The Auction:
This was a competitive auction, although the final contract is a humble partscore. East opened with 1♦, West responded with 1♥, North passed and East bid 1NT. As no one is vulnerable you seized the opportunity to chime in and bid clubs. West answered with 2♦, North raised to 3♣ and East doubled. West leads the ♠4. Plan the play to score nine tricks. Solution: You play the ♠Q from dummy, which wins the first trick. Not bad at all: you miss the ♣A, the ♥AK and most probably the opponents will score a trick in diamonds. However, it is vital to set up hearts before losing entry points to the dummy‘s hand and stoppers in other suits – even more so because the first trick did not provide information about the whereabouts of the ♠K. So next you lead the ♥2 from dummy, East wins this trick with the ♥K (trick 2) and leads a small diamond to your ace (trick 3). You lead the ♥8, West plays the ♥9, you cover with the queen, East takes the trick with the ♥A (trick 4) and leads diamonds again. West wins that trick with the ♦10 (trick 5) and leads diamonds for the third time, you ruff (trick 6) and lead a small club. East takes the trick with the ♣A (trick 7), then leads spades. You play a small spade from dummy, East plays thev♠10, you take the trick with the ace (trick 8). Now you can lead a small club to dummy`s king, lead the ♥J and pitch your remaining spade (tricks 9, 10). The last three tricks belong to you as you have better trumps than the opponents (tricks 11, 12, 13). | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||