Deal of the Week (Nov 16, 2012) Click here for Archives |
Problem: The Auction:
* Cappeletti ** Lebensohl You open the auction with 1 NT after West, North and East have passed. West intervenes with 2♣ (Cappelletti 2♣ shows a one-suited hand, usually 6+ cards). North answers with 2NT (Lebensohl 2NT, which forces the opener to bid 3♣). East passes, you bid 3♣ and North switches to 3♠. East doubles. You declare 3NT. East doubles. West leads the ♣7. Plan your play. Solution: West`s lead offers a free finesse; your ♣J takes the first trick. Although you have only four immediate losers, communication could be a problem. West led clubs, indicating length in clubs. You have an 8-card spade suit, but East doubled spades, so it seems logical East has the missing five spades (or at least four). Diamonds look promising – if the ♦KJ can be finessed against. But to finesse you need to lead from dummy. You lead a small heart. West wins the trick with the ♥K (trick 2) and leads a small club to your ace (trick 3). So West has long clubs and probably the ♥A, while East has long spades. To create an entry to dummy`s hand you lead the ♠K next. The opponents duck, so the trick belongs to you (trick 4). Next you lead a small spade and cover with the queen, which loses to the Ace played by East (trick 5). East leads the ♦2 and you decide to try a double finesse – when the opponents have two honors you should finesse against both, so you duck and dummy`s ♦8 wins the trick (trick 6). Conveniently the lead is in dummy`s hand now and you can go for the diamond finesse as both the ♦K and ♦J seem to be favorably placed. You lead a small diamond, East plays the ♦7, so you play the ♦9, which wins the trick (trick 7). You cannot play diamonds now because you don’t want to offer a free finesse to East, instead you give the lead East by leading the pada ♠10. West discards a small heart; East takes the trick with the ♠J (trick 8) and leads the ♦J. Your queen wins the trick, West discards a club, and you ditch a spade from dummy (trick 9). Now you can take the next two tricks with the ♦A and ♦10 (tricks 10, 11) keeping an eye on what West discards. As West discards the ♣Q, you ditch the ♣K from dummy. You lead a small heart, West wins the trick with the ♥A (trick 12) and leads a small heart to dummy`s queen (trick 13). | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||