Deal of the Week (Nov 09, 2012) Click here for Archives |
Problem: This week you are invited to take the South seat. West has led the ♣Q. Can you guess what contract has been declared? The auction was opened by South. Solution: You have 15 HCP and North has 14, providing your side with a double stopper in every suit except clubs – where you have only the ♣K. The auction was obviously opened by South with 1♥, North apparently responded with spades and South probably answered with diamonds. What happened from there on? Two hands combined you hold seven hearts and diamonds, also six spades. If the ♥Q is in favorable position, you can count on five tricks in hearts, four in spades, two in diamonds and one club trick – altogether 12 tricks. Although hearts and spades were surely shown during the auction, a contract of 6NT seems definitely the choice, as your best trump suit – hearts – is only a seven-carder, also it is doubtful that North would have supported hearts. West has led the ♣Q. East takes this trick with the ♣A (trick 1) and leads the ♥2 – putting your imaginary contract of 6NT into a tight spot at once. You have already lost one trick, if you play a small card and West holds the ♥Q, you might lose another one. To play it safe you take this trick with the ♥A (trick 2), lead the ♦A (trick 3) and a small diamond next. West plays a small diamond too, you finesse the ♦J, which wins the trick as East discards a small club (trick 4). Now you can lead a small club from the dummy to your king (trick 5) – whoever has the ♣J, must hold on tight to his winner and is forced to discard from some other suit if the need arises. You lead the ♠3 to dummy`s ace (trick 6) and take three more tricks with the ♠KQJ (tricks 7, 8, 9) discarding the ♣10 and two diamonds. West ditches two diamonds too, so East has the remaining ♠10. Next you lead the ♦K (trick 10). East discards a small club and as you know East has the ♠10, he cannot have more than two hearts. You lead the ♥10 from dummy`s hand and as East plays a small heart you win that trick with the ♥J (trick 11). Now you lead the ♥K (trick 12), then the ♥8 (trick 13). | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||