Deal of the Week (Nov 02, 2012) Click here for Archives |
Problem: The Auction:
You are South on this week`s defensive problem defending against 4♠. West declared 4♠ after an uncontested auction. After a bit of consideration you doubled. Plan your defense. What are you going to lead? Solution: You don`t want to underlead either of your kings, so you lead the ♣J (top of solid sequence) to dummy`s ace (trick 1). Both the ♥A and ♦AQ are on the table, so you fear for your kings’ fate and hope North holds some additional honors. The declarer leads a small spade from dummy and as North discards a diamond,plays the ♠K – you win the trick with the ♠A (trick 2) and lead clubs again. East takes the trick with the ♣K (trick 3), leads the ♣8 and ruffs in dummy (trick 4). Next the opponent leads the ♦A from dummy`s hand (trick 5); leads a small diamond from dummy and ruffs (trick 6). Then East leads clubs again. You ruff with the ♠8, which cannot be overruffed as there are only smaller spades on the table; East discards the ♦Q (trick 7). The opponent does not have any diamonds left, so you cannot lead diamonds – not to offer the possibility to discard. You lead the ♥9, East plays a small heart from dummy`s hand so North wins this trick with the ♥Q (trick 8) and leads a small heart to dummy`s ace (trick 9). East leads a small spade from dummy`s hand, takes the trick with the ♠Q (trick 10) and leads spades again. You win the trick with the ♠J (trick 11) and lead a small diamond. East ruffs (trick 12) and wins the last trick with the ♥J (trick 13). | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||