Deal of the Week (Mar 24, 2006) Click here for Archives |
Problem: The Auction: South West North East 1H 1S 2S* pass 3H pass 4H all pass * limit raise or better in hearts Bidding Explanation: North's 2S by agreement showed a limit raise or better in hearts. South's bid of 3H was conservative, especially since he had a 6th heart and a singleton diamond. However, his action was not unreasonable considering that he had only 11 High Card Points, and the King of Spades was not worth much after West's 1S overcall. North had enough in reserve to bid 4H. The opening lead is the King of Diamonds (East-West lead the King from KQ). Plan the play. Solution: Win the King of Diamonds with the Ace, and draw trumps in two rounds. Play the King of Clubs and a club to the Ace. Now, play the Jack of Diamonds and pitch a club from hand, west winning the Queen. There are three possible scenarios: a) West has no more clubs. In this case, West is endplayed, and has to play a diamond giving you a ruff-and-discard, or play a spade in which case you will score your King of Spades. b) West plays a club, and East follows. This means that clubs are 3-3, and the 4th club in dummy is now a winner. You can therefore discard a spade loser from hand on the master club. c) West plays a club, and East discards. You ruff this in hand, enter dummy with a heart, play the last club and pitch a spade endplaying West. West has to play a diamond and give you a ruff-and-discard or play a spade allowing you to score your King. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
As long as West has the Queen of Diamonds (which is almost 100% after the opening lead) the suggested line of play is guaranteed to work for any lie of the opposing cards.
Bridge Baron deal No : 4902312017280763537079641888 You can download this deal in PPL format, and view it with Bridge Baron here :Deal Of The Week |
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