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Deal of the Week (Jun 22, 2012) Click here for Archives
Problem: The Auction:
West North East South
1♣ 1 1♠ 2
Pass 3 3♠ 4
5♣ 5 Dbl ?

After a lively auction West has declared 5♣. North goes further and calls 5, East doubles. What are you going to bid?


As North has shown a 7-card suit of diamonds and you have two diamonds, you might just leave it. But you have a good 6-card heart suit – with a favorable split you would be able to pull down the trump. And then you have only two clubs, offering the possibility to regain lead after West (presumably) takes the first two tricks with clubs.

You declare 5 and West doubles. Out of the frying pan into the fire!

The opening lead by West is the ♣A, which wins the first trick for the opponents.

Your prospects are not so gloomy-looking any more. East has a 6-card suit of spades as can be deducted by bidding, but your side has seven, therefore West probably has a void.

With an even trump split you can score six tricks with hearts and with any luck in finessing six more with your partner’s diamonds (making a small slam).

West leads the 3 next.

The transportation needs double attention as your two diamonds are the only entry point to dummy. Plus although your J from dummy is able to win the trick you must take this trick with another top trump from your hand as otherwise you would be stuck in dummy, forced to lead spades or the A.

You take the trick with Q and lead the A and K, discarding spades from dummy’s hand. The trump split is 3-3, so now lead the 10, West plays the 2 and East 5. Your ten wins the trick therefore West must have the K. You lead the 8, West plays the 9, you take the trick with dummy’s J and can now lead the A as West has only the K left.

You can now take four tricks with the remaining diamonds and discard all your spades and clubs.

- Deal AKQ753
742 953
K92 5
AKJ10864 973

5 was intended as sacrifice, but turned out real well. Still a “phew”-type of hand as only luck saved you – if West had had spades, you could not have avoided going down.

5 would have gone down without any glory, as East would have had the opening lead and without doubt East would have cashed in three tricks with top spades and then led spades for the fourth time – knowing that West does not have spades. West could have ruffed with the K, winning the fourth trick and taken another one with the ♣A.


Par Contract Analysis:
p>The par contract on this hand is 4 by South.

Bridge Baron deal No : N0978-75335-40677-11021-85038-72806

You can download this deal in PPL format, and view it with Bridge Baron here :
Deal Of The Week
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