Deal of the Week (Jun 01, 2012) Click here for Archives |
Problem: The Auction:
You open the auction with 1♥. West calls 2♥ – Michaels cuebid showing spades and a minor suit. North responds with 4♥ and East with 4♠. What are you going to bid? Solution: Your partner’s jump to 4♥ can be read as the limit major raise, however you come to the conclusion that the opponents` call of 4♠ can only be a sacrifice, meaning your side most probably has at least game. As none is vulnerable, it is not a good idea to let them have their sacrifice. You cannot show your minor side suit, to check if you have a double fit – as 5♣ would surely be understood as control showing. Should you bid 5♥ to secure the game? There’s a saying that the 5 level belongs to the opponents, meaning it’s often better to defend than to go to 5 level. Bearing in mind the possibility that your hands might match really well, calling 5♥ would finish the auction, making it awkward for North to bid higher. Also, the opponents` frantic interference could mean your side really has slam possibilities. So instead of 5♥ you call 4 NT. Depending on the response, you might still be able to settle for 5♥, but this way you have at least explored slam possibilities. North responds with 5♥ – RKCB keycard showing response, which means 2-5 keycards and no trump queen. Knowing this you declare 6♥. West leads the ♣3 and after seeing your partner’s cards, you are quite satisfied that you bid 6♥ – the only loser you have is the ♣A and the first trick will (probably) settle this matter promoting all your clubs to winners. You cover with the ♣K, East plays the ♣A and leads clubs back. You play a small one from your hand and West ruffs. There goes your slam. West leads the ♠6 and you can claim 11 tricks. |