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Deal of the Week (Jul 04, 2008) Click here for Archives

The Auction:
West   North   East   South
           1NT       21    2♠2
pass      3♠        pass    4
pass      4♠        dbl      rdbl
pass      6♣        all pass

1 - both majors
2 - shows clubs

This week features another deal from the US team trials. Brad Moss was the declarer on this deal, with his team trailing by a considerable margin. He received the opening lead of K, East following with the 10, declarer winning the ace. You are invited to take over at this point, and see if you can match the line of play that Moss adopted to gain a swing on this deal.

If diamonds are 3-3, then it is just a simple matter of making a safety play in the club suit, i.e. cash the ♣K to cater to either opponent being void in clubs. If diamonds are 4-2, you will be required to ruff the fourth round of diamonds in dummy. In that case, if trumps are 3-1 or 2-2, there will once again be no problem. East's actions at unfavorable vulnerability, however, increases the likelihood that he is void in clubs. If East is void in clubs, if you cash the ♣K, then when you ruff a diamond in dummy, West's ♣J will be promoted as a winner.

Brad Moss won the opening spade lead with the ace, crossed over to the A, and played a club to the nine! When East showed out, Moss played the ace, king and a third diamond, and eventually ruffed a diamond in dummy, drew trumps and claimed.

 J9 Deal  K10862
 J64  Q108732
 J963  Q10
 J765  -

While playing East for a club void is not a surefire assumption, since Moss was playing for a swing, he was happy to play on that assumption, and his gutsy play certainly deserves credit.

Bridge Baron's double dummy solver confirms that starting with the ♣K is fatal - it is necessary to take an immediate finesse of the ♣9.
Par Contract Analysis:
The par contract on this deal is 6♣ by North-South.

Bridge Baron deal No : N1307-55360-99115-96274-57632-43367

You can download this deal in PPL format, and view it with Bridge Baron here :
Deal Of The Week
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