Deal of the Week (Mar 14, 2008) Click here for Archives |
Problem: West North East South
1 - cue-bid
Not the most elegant auction, but the final contract is a sound one. West leads a diamond, dummy's queen holds. Plan the play.
East, who started with four hearts and one club, is helpless. If he discards, you play a heart to the queen, cash the ♥A, and keep running clubs. If he overruffs and say he returns a diamond, play a spade to the ace, finesse the ♥Q, cash the ♥A drawing the last trump, and claim the contract. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
While regular readers of this column may feel that the play to this deal is routine, the actual declarer made the mistake of cashing two top clubs; East ruffed and returned a diamond, after which the slam could not be made.
Bridge Baron deal No : N3587-37872-61569-88446-55313-83025 You can download this deal in PPL format, and view it with Bridge Baron here :Deal Of The Week |
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