Problem: West North East South
1♥ pass 2♦1 pass 2NT pass 3♥ pass 3♠2 pass 4♣2 pass 4NT3
pass 5♦4 pass 6♥ all pass
1 - 2/1 is forcing to game
2 - cue-bid
3 - RKC Blackwood
4 - 1 or 4 keycards
You are East on this defensive problem. The opponents reach 6♥ after an uncontested auction. Partner leads the ♠5, declarer captures your queen with the king. A heart is then led to dummy's nine. What should you return after winning this trick with the ♥J to defeat the contract?
Solution: The question we asked you was what should you return after winning this trick with the ♥J to defeat the contract. This was a trick question of sorts, because the contract will be made once you win the trick with the ♥J! Declarer, who is marked with a five card heart suit both from the bidding and his tackling of the suit, will be forced to play you for the ♥K. The key play is to capture the ♥9 with the ♥K at trick two. Declarer, who now "knows" that partner has the ♥J, will subsequently play a heart to the ten, allowing you to make a trick.
| ♠ A4 | |
| ♥ Q109 | |
| ♦ KQJ5 | |
| ♣ K876 | |
♠ J765 |
♠ Q10932 |
♥ 83 |
♥ KJ6 |
♦ 1097 |
♦ 432 |
♣ 10954 |
♣ 32 |
| ♠ K8 |
| ♥ A7542 |
| ♦ A86 |
| ♣ AQJ |
It is worth noting that declarer's play in the heart suit was flawed - the double finesse (running the queen first, and running the ten if the queen lost to the king) is a better bet.
The hand hinges on the heart suit, and the double dummy analysis does not tell us anything that we don't know.
Par Contract Analysis:
The par contract on this deal is 6NT by North-South.
Bridge Baron deal No : N3828-86124-99537-93326-89474-08925
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