Deal of the Week (Feb 01, 2008) Click here for Archives |
Problem: West North East South
You are South on this deal, and reach the excellent contract of 6♦. West leads a trump, the only lead to give you any problem; on any other lead, you could have ruffed three clubs in hand. You play low from dummy, and win East's ♦4 with the ♦6. You lead the ♣9 at trick two, West and dummy play low as East wins the trick with the ♣10. Another trump is returned, West discarding a club to this trick. What is your basic plan?
You have two spade tricks, two heart tricks and five diamond tricks on top, and can ruff two clubs in hand, bringing the total to 11 tricks. The twelfth trick will have to come from a squeeze. West's club discard, along with his double of 4♣ suggest that he has length in clubs. The entry position is not right for a simple squeeze against West, so that option is ruled out. The best bet is to play for a double squeeze. If East has a four-card major, the conditions are right for the double squeeze. The caveat, however, is that you need to guess which is the major suit that East is guarding. If East has four cards in both suits, you are spared of the guess; if East has only one four-card suit, you have a 50% shot of guessing it right. Say you guess correctly on this deal and play East to hold a four-card heart suit. In the end position, West will have to guard clubs, East will have to guard hearts, and neither opponent will be able to guard spades. Your play to trick three is crucial: you need to win East's trump return in dummy to get the timing right. You ruff a club in hand at trick four, play a heart to the king, and ruff another club with your last trump. You now play the ♥A and ruff a heart in dummy, and run all your diamonds. Here is the position when the last diamond is led:
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Bridge Baron's line of play Bridge Baron deal No : N0790-58524-62932-30814-45867-19552 |
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