Deal of the Week (Sep 14, 2007) Click here for Archives |
Problem: The Auction: West North East South 2♠ pass pass 3♥ all pass West starts with the top three spades, East ruffs the third round with the ♥10, you overruff with the jack. The declarer at the table led the ♣3 at this stage, and covered West's ♣8 with the ♣9, which lost to the king. East now returned the ♦K, West plays the ♦9 under your ace. When you play a heart to the king, East discards the ♦7. When you cash the ♣A, West follows with the ♣J. Here are two questions for you:
1. How would you plan the rest of the play?
East is subjected to a stepping stone squeeze. If East discards a club, you will simply overtake the ♣10 with the queen, and cash the ♣4 for your ninth trick. If East discards a diamond, you will cash the ♣10, and exit a diamond to East, who has to concede the last trick to dummy's ♣Q. In the latter case, you use East as a stepping stone to dummy (by throwing him in with a diamond), and hence the name stepping-stone squeeze. Have you decided if you like declarer's play of ♣3 to the nine at trick four? When declarer played the ♣3, West had a chance to kill dummy by playing the ♣J, so that the ace and ten of clubs block the club suit. The natural counter to this threat is to play the ♣10 instead of the ♣3. Regardless of whether West covers this or not, you can make the contract by executing a simple squeeze on East after he wins the ♣K. What if West puts up a stronger defense by not winning the ♣K (either in the original problem or in the variation where declarer leads the ♣10)? In that case, you will play off your trumps and throw East in with a diamond, who will have to play away from his ♣K. It is worth noting that West needed to shift to a diamond at trick three (or earlier) to defeat the contract. When East gets in with the ♣K, he will have two diamonds to cash. Declarer cannot counter by endplaying East in diamonds, as East will simply cash his diamonds and play another diamond giving a ruff-and-discard. Declarer can discard only one club from hand, and will have to lose another club. As to the question of the play of ♣3 at trick four, while it is suboptimal in theory, in practice it is difficult to gauge its merit. Now that you have read the complete solution, we leave it to you to reevaluate whether you agree (or like) the actual declarer's line of play. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
This is quite a remarkable deal in that depending on the line of play you choose, you encounter either a simple squeeze, an endplay, or the more exotic stepping-stone squeeze.
Bridge Baron's Line of Play Bridge Baron deal No : N1249-72147-48151-84036-79595-25777 |
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