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Deal of the Week (Feb 20, 2006) Click here for Archives
Problem: You reach a contract of 6, and the Ace of spades is led. LHO Continues with the King of spades, which you ruff in hand. What is your game plan?
Solution: Cash the Ace of hearts, and play a heart to the King. If the hearts split 3-2, you are almost guaranteed to make the contract with a Dummy Reversal. After winning the King of hearts in dummy, you ruff a spade in hand, cross to the Club King, ruff the fourth spade with the Queen of hearts, cross back to dummy with the Ace of diamonds, draw the last trump with the Jack of hearts, pitching a losing diamond in hand. Now your hand consists only of winners, and you can claim.
 AKJ3 Deal  Q1094
 76  1098
 10973  Q86
 1082  973

Did you notice that best defense would have scuttled the contract? If West does not make the friendly play of the Spade King, there wouldn’t be enough entries to dummy to ruff out the spades, and even You cannot make the contract!

According to Bridge Baron's double dummy analysis, the dummy reversal line (ruffing three spades in hand) is required to make 6H. The double dummy analysis also confirms that if west leads anything else except a spade, declarer will be held to 11 tricks.
Par Contract Analysis:
Indeed, Bridge Baron confirms that under optimal declarer play and defence, 5H by either North or South is the par contract.

Bridge Baron deal No : 16914967002150327735588130346

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Deal Of The Week
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