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Bridge Deal of the Week (Mar 30 2007)

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 A43 Deal


The Auction:
West   North   East   South
                       1     1♠
1NT     2♠      all pass

You are West in this week's deal where neither side is vulnerable. The scoring is IMPs and the objective is to defeat the contract. The contract is 2♠, reached via the bidding sequence shown. You have a tough opening lead, and choose an aggressive Q. Partner discourages the lead by playing the two, declarer wins the Ace. Declarer now plays the ♠7, you play low as does declarer, partner wins a surprise trick with the ♠J. Partner quickly returns a heart, which declarer wins with the King. Declarer plays another spade now, you hop up with the Ace, as partner discards the K. What now?

It looks like you can get your heart ruff after all, if you can manage to put partner on lead. There are some precautions to take along the way, though.

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Bridge Baron deal No: N0374-00907-71084-20314-48188-90690

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Deal Of The Week