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Bridge Deal of the Week (Mar 09 2007)

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The Auction:
West   North   East   South
                       pass    pass
pass     1       pass    1♠
pass     3♣      pass    4NT1
pass     6NT   all pass

1 - Quantitative

After three passes, partner opens the bidding with 1 and shows a powerful hand by rebidding 3♣ over your 1♠ response. What would you bid now with the South hand? This is a difficult and tricky bidding decision. Our discussion boards are working again, so we'd encourage you to express your point of view on what you'd have bid. Holding maximum values for a passed hand, it is reasonable to make a move towards slam by bidding a quantitative 4NT. Partner accepts the invitation and bids 6NT, which becomes the final contract.

West considers his opening lead, and comes up with the 10. This diabolical lead disrupts communications between your hand and dummy. On a spade or heart lead, you would have unblocked the major suit winners from dummy, crossed over to K to cash the major suit aces, and then cross back to dummy with the ♣A to cash the diamonds. The diamond lead removes your only entry to hand. Why couldn't West lead a heart, the unbid suit? Any idea on how to take 12 tricks?

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Bridge Baron deal No: N1393-93919-53095-14240-98846-73170

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Deal Of The Week