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Bridge Deal of the Week (Feb 02 2007)

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The Auction:
West   North   East   South
                       1♠    pass
pass     dbl      pass    1NT
pass    3NT     all pass

This hand was played in an online game, the players involved were all experts, and the scoring was IMPs. You are invited to take the South seat. Neither side is vulnerable, East deals and opens 1♠. After two passes partner reopens with a double. You have your first decision of the day. While it is tempting to pass for penalties, there are quite a few reasons why you should not. First of all, even though you have five trumps, your trump spots are very weak. Second, you don't have an attractive opening lead. If you don't find the right opening lead, declarer might gain a valuable tempo, and there is no way of figuring out what the right lead would be. In the long run, passing is a losing proposition, so you bid a sensible 1NT. Partner raises to 3NT, which becomes the final contract.

West leads the ♠J, East lets this ride to your Queen. You play the ♣Q, and East drops the Jack. Plan the play.

The club suit, heart suit and spade suit all provide options. East however threatens to establish spade tricks before you can take 9 tricks. You might be able to put some pressure on East.

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Bridge Baron deal No: N1064-44453-59372-15801-08860-97453

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Deal Of The Week