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Bridge Deal of the Week (Sep 01 2006)

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The Auction:
West  North  East  South
1♣     pass    1    pass
1♠     pass    pass  1NT
all pass

After many weeks of adventurous game contracts, thrilling slams, and even the occasional hair raising grand slam, this week's deal is a quiet partscore. The scoring is matchpoints, with neither side vulnerable. Even though balancing with 1NT seems dangerous, selling out to 1♠ is even riskier! For example, if you defeat 1♠ by two tricks, and the rest of the field plays in 1NT with your cards and make two, +100 will be a bottom score in comparison with their +120. Partner produces a fine hand, and 1NT is an excellent contract.

When the deal was played, West led a low heart, South captured East's Queen with the King. South continued with a the A and a diamond, West produced the Jack, and dummy's Queen lost to the King. East now played back a heart to his partner's Jack, ducked in dummy. West cleared hearts, dummy's Ace winning the trick. Declarer now played the ♠Q, ducked by West. Any thoughts on how should declarer continue?

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Bridge Baron deal No: 35852019261731760557277416275

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Deal Of The Week