♠ 105 |
♥ A8732 |
♦ 842 |
♣ 954 |
♠ 8 |
♥ KQ1064 |
♦ AQ3 |
♣ AKQ6 |
The Auction:
West North East South
1♥ 4♠ pass pass dbl pass 5♥ 5♠ 6♥ all pass
West leads the ♠A and continues with the King, which you ruff. You draw two rounds of trumps with the King and Queen, East having two. The contract is not very flattering. You need the diamond finesse for starters. After that, you still need to take care of the other diamond loser. A 3-3 club break would do the job. You astutely notice the ♣9 in dummy, and realize that if an opponent has the J10 doubleton in clubs, that would be sufficient. You plunk down the Ace and King of clubs, but no such luck. You play the ♣Q, but West discards a spade, ending your dreams of a 3-3 break in the suit. How would you continue?
Hint: Your only chance now is to execute a squeeze against East.
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Bridge Baron deal No: 32644819418527122831334128966
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