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Bridge Deal of the Week (Jul 21 2006)

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The Auction:
West  North  East  South
2*    dbl      pass  3NT
all pass

* Weak Two Bid

Both North and South had difficult bidding decisions. North's action of making a takeout double with a doubleton diamond, and South bidding 3NT with only one heart stopper were not perfect. Then again, this is the reason preempts are effective, they make life difficult for opponents. In any case, final contract was reasonable.

The opening lead is the K. Since West is marked with six hearts for the weak two bid, declarer won the trick with the A, as a diamond switch might be dangerous on certain layouts. The best continuation is not totally clear; declarer played a club to dummy's 8. East won the trick with the 10, but was endplayed in three suits. East chose to play a spade, and when declarer stuck in the Jack, West played the Queen and solved declarer's guess in that suit. When declarer cashed a third spade, West discarded a heart. At this stage, declarer offers to let you play the rest of the hand. How should you continue?

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Bridge Baron deal No: 22959729463483415837683399196

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Deal Of The Week