| ♠ KJ4 | |
| ♥ 8743 | |
| ♦ QJ83 | |
| ♣ 42 | |
♠ 6 |
♥ K10962 |
♦ A72 |
♣ QJ86 |
The Auction:
West North East South
pass 1♠ pass 2♠ dbl 4♠ all pass
You are East on this deal, opponents are vulnerable and you are not. Having passed initially, you decide to make a takeout double over North's 2♠. Your other alternative would have been to overcall 3♥. In any case, South's 4♠ ends the auction. Partner leads the ♦4, playing 3rd-5th leads. You play the Ace, declarer follows with the King, an obvious singleton. What do you return?
Hint: You know that declarer is getting two discards on the Queen and Jack of Diamonds, so you have to take your tricks as soon as possible.
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Bridge Baron deal No: 26867007028040937839193804596
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