♠ Q854 |
♥ K75 |
♦ 9 |
♣ AQ854 |
♠ K1076 |
♥ QJ |
♦ 832 |
♣ K763 |
The Auction:
North East South West
2♦* pass 2NT** pass
3♦*** pass
4♠ all pass
* shortness in diamonds, 3-suited hand 11-15 points
** Asking opener to describe his hand
*** 4-3-1-5 distribution
You are South on this deal, nobody vulnerable, playing IMPs against expert opponents. You are playing Precision this week and your partner opens a precision 2♦ bid, showing 11-15 points, a singleton or void in diamonds and a three-suited hand. You bid 2NT, asking partner to describe his hand. When partner shows a 4-3-1-5 hand, you bid an aggressive 4♠ as you have no wasted values in diamonds, and useful cards in the other suits. West leads the ♦A, East signaling with the Queen, which shows the Jack. West continues with a low diamond, which you ruff in dummy. You lead a heart off the table, East rises with the Ace and plays a third diamond, forcing you to ruff again in dummy. How do you continue?
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Bridge Baron deal No: 31600499429794281730685081612
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