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Bridge Deal of the Week (Dec 06 2013)

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West North East South
Pass 2♠* 3♣
3♠ Dbl Pass ?

* spades and a minor

North passed. East opened with 2♠, an artificial bid, which means a weak two-suited hand, promising spades and a minor. South overcalled 3♣. West advanced to 3♠. North doubled. North`s double means North must have strength.

What should South bid?

Vulnerable: North/South

Contract: ?


Often the contract of 3NT is beaten because the declarer overlooks and defense finds a weakness in another suit rather than the obvious one – which defense has bid. After all sy bidding NT after the opponents have found a fit means the declarer is confident that his stopper holds.

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Bridge Baron deal No: N4439-09818-96305-86287-61885-43237

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Deal Of The Week