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Bridge Deal of the Week (Sep 20 2013)

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West North East South
Pass 2 Pass 2
Pass 3NT Pass 4
Pass Pass Pass

South started with 1NT, North responded with 2 (Jacoby transfer), South made a relay bid to 2. North bid 3NT to show strength and South declared 4.

West led the 4. South played the 8 from dummy. East discarded the ♣8 and as the declarer played the 3 from hand, dummy`s 8 won the first trick (trick 1).

Can you advise South – how to win 10 tricks?

Vulnerable: both

Contract: 4 by South


South should establish his long side suit.

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Bridge Baron deal No: N0637-81620-42489-61575-01110-74300

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Deal Of The Week