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Bridge Deal of the Week (Feb 01 2013)

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 K974 Deal


West North East South
Pass Pass 1♠ 2♠*
Pass 3 Pass Pass
4♠ all pass

* Michaels cuebid - over an opponent's major opening, this cuebid shows the other major and a minor suit.

East opened 1♠, South overcalled 2♠ (Michaels - hearts and an unspecified minor), West passed and North called 3. East and South passed. West declared 4♠. We invite you to take the South seat with the objective to defeat the contract. How many tricks can you take?

Contract: 4♠ West/East

Vulnerable: none

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Bridge Baron deal No: N0023-95365-38615-32558-86886-36683

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Deal Of The Week