♠ AKQ2 |
♥ A82 |
♦ 1082 |
♣ 1062 |
♠ 93 |
♥ K1065 |
♦ J3 |
♣ AKQ93 |
The Auction:
West North East South
1♦ dbl pass
2♦ pass 2♠ pass 3♣ pass 3♦ pass 3♥ pass 4♣ pass 5♣ all pass
This week's deal is modified from a deal that occurred in the US team trials. You are invited to take the South seat, declaring 5♣ after West opened the bidding with 1♦. West leads the ♦A, and follows it up with the ♦K and ♦Q, East ruffing with the ♣5 the third round, you overruff with the ♣9. You draw trumps next, West shows up with three of them, East discards two hearts (remember, he has already used one trump to ruff the third diamond). When you play a heart towards the ace, West follows with the jack, creating a finesse position in the suit for you. The question now is, do you finesse the ♥10, or do you play West to have QJ doubleton in hearts?
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Bridge Baron deal No: N4453-50683-44732-21068-05374-52975
You can download this deal in PPL format, and view it with Bridge Baron here :
Deal Of The Week