♠ 543 |
♥ K102 |
♦ AKJ |
♣ AQ53 |
♠ 972 |
♥ J9876 |
♦ 432 |
♣ 42 |
The Auction:
West North East South
1NT dbl pass
2♥ all pass
You are South on this deal, declaring 2♥ after West opened a 15-17 1NT. West leads the ♦5, you choose to win the trick with dummy's ace. At trick two, you exit with a spade off of dummy, East wins the trick with the queen. East plays a trump, West wins the ace and plays back another trump. Plan the play.
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Bridge Baron deal No: N2064-47950-82105-84882-59676-94090
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