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Bridge Deal of the Week (Jun 20 2008)

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The Auction:
West   North   East   South
            1       pass    3NT
all pass

South's 3NT was a sensible call, with stoppers in all suits and scattered values throughout. West leads the 10, dummy's king winning the trick. Next up, should you tackle clubs, diamonds or spades? Think about your next move before you read the next paragraph.

West has apparently led from heart length, and threatens to establish heart winners. Therefore, the West hand is the danger hand, and the right play is to take an immediate diamond finesse. If the finesse wins, you are home (why?). On this deal, West wins the K and cashes the A and plays another heart, on which East discards a club. Plan the play.

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Bridge Baron deal No: N1356-75467-22180-06254-66592-63248

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Deal Of The Week