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Bridge Deal of the Week (Mar 10 2006)

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The Auction:
South West North  East
1S     pass    1NT    pass
2C    2H      4S    all pass

The opening lead is the 8 of Clubs, you win in dummy with the Ace, East playing the Jack. The scoring is matchpoints, and your goal is to try to take as many tricks as possible. How do you proceed?

Hint: There are several questions to answer in this deal, some of which are
a) How should you play the trump suit?
b) How can you take care of the losing club in your hand?
After you answer the above two questions, can you see any way to take 12 tricks?

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Bridge Baron deal No: 20655495559319454581958182288

You can download this deal in PPL format, and view it with Bridge Baron here :
Deal Of The Week