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Bridge Deal of the Week (May 09 2008)

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The Auction:
West   North   East   South
                       pass    pass
pass     1       dbl      1♠
2♣       dbl*    3♣      pass
pass     dbl      pass     4♠
all pass

* - three card spade support

This deal came up in the 2008 Cavendish International. You reach 4♠ after East passed initially and made a takeout double of diamonds the next round. West leads the 5, you play the king from dummy, East considers his play and makes the strong move of ducking. What is your general strategy?

The opening lead is certainly from a doubleton. East is likely to hold three spades to the queen for his takeout double, along with short diamonds. You are in danger of losing one spade, two hearts and a diamond. Can you find a counter?

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Bridge Baron deal No: N0941-98463-40786-36539-28684-21155

You can download this deal in PPL format, and view it with Bridge Baron here :
Deal Of The Week