Bridge Deal of the Week (Feb 08 2008)Click here for Archives / Discussion Boards |
Problem: West North East South You are East on this week's defensive problem, with both sides vulnerable, defending 1NT after North's frisky decision to respond to an opening bid with just five points. The scoring is matchpoints, so the goal is to try and take as many tricks as possible. There are many successful defenses, we will show you an interesting variation that occurred at the table.
Your partner leads the ♣5, which goes to your jack and declarer's queen. declarer leads a diamond to the jack, partner plays the ♦4 showing an odd number of cards in the suit, you elect to duck this trick in an attempt to kill dummy. Declarer plays a diamond to the queen, as you duck again. The ♥K is now played, you elect to take this trick and return a club (a spade return may be correct on some deals, but a club return is likely to be the winner in the long run, and in any case it will make partner happy). Partner wins the ♣10 and proceeds to cash three more clubs. Plan your discards. Click Here for the Solution / Discussion Board Bridge Baron deal No: N4360-50841-44927-04056-67080-54898 You can download this deal in PPL format, and view it with Bridge Baron here : |