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Bridge Deal of the Week (Jan 18 2008)

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  Deal   ♠ KQ10982
    ♥ 874
    ♦ -
    ♣ AKJ4


The Auction:
West   North   East   South
           1♣      1♠      2NT
pass    3NT    all pass

You are East in this week's deal, defending against 3NT. Partner leads the ♠3. The opponents inquire about your opening leads, and you reply that your partnership plays third-fifth leads in partner's suit. You play a high spade, and declarer wins the trick with the ace. He then passes the ♣10 to you. Plan your defense.

Declarer is marked with pretty much all the remaining high cards. He is also certain to have the ♠J, as he would have ducked the opening lead with Axxx in spades. You can count one spade trick, three heart tricks and four diamond tricks for declarer. So declarer always has at least eight tricks and should probably always be able to come to nine unless you resort to deception.

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Bridge Baron deal No: N0919-33950-11934-20986-11741-31551

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Deal Of The Week