♠ AJ |
♥ 973 |
♦ A |
♣ AQJ10964 |
♠ KQ975 |
♥ 65 |
♦ KQ764 |
♣ 3 |
You reach the best game contract of 4♠, rejecting the inferior contract of 5♣. West leads the ♥Q. From a holding of AKQ, the opponents play the opening lead convention that queen asks for count. East plays the ♥2, showing an odd number of cards. West cashes the ♥A, and since he knows that a third heart will not cash, he shifts to the ♣5. How do you play the contract at IMPs where overtricks are immaterial?
Hint: Under the reasonable assumption that diamonds are 4-3, you can guarantee your contract, regardless of how the other cards are distributed.
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Bridge Baron deal No: N3099-08561-83553-42527-96608-77899
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