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Bridge Deal of the Week (Oct 26 2007)

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The Auction:
West   North   East   South
pass     2♣       pass   3♠
pass     4♣1     pass   4NT2
pass     5♣3     pass   7♠
all pass

1 - Cue-Bid
2 - RKC Blackwood
3 - 0 or 3 keycards

North-South were playing Standard American, and conducted a reasonable auction to reach the best spot. West led the ♣K, East playing the ♣7 as you win with dummy's ace. What do you play to trick two, and how do you plan the rest of the contract?

If spades split 3-2, thirteen tricks are on top, so the only problem is a 4-1 spade break. You cannot make the hand if West has four spades, but what if East has four spades?

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Bridge Baron deal No: N1341-41176-53788-19522-86939-48435

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Deal Of The Week