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Bridge Deal of the Week (Sep 28 2007)

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West   North   East   South
pass     3♠1      pass    4♣
pass     4       pass    5♣
pass     6♣      all pass

1 - transfer to clubs

This deal came up in the semifinals of a team game. The auction might not have been elegant, but it was certainly effective, for the final contract is quite sound. West leads the ♠2 playing fourth-best leads, you discard a diamond from dummy and capture East's queen with the ace. You play a club to the ace, West follows with the seven and East with the two. You now try a heart from dummy, East wins the ace and plays back a spade, you discard a heart on the ♠K. When you cash the K, both opponents follow, but the jack does not appear. How do you proceed from this stage?

You have to decide when to draw trumps and how to take care of the potential heart losers. You could draw a second round of trump with the queen, hoping that the suit divides 2-2, and then decide whether to play for hearts to be 3-3 or take the ruffing finesse in hearts. Or you could cater to West holding a doubleton heart and Jxx of trumps, and try to ruff a heart before drawing a second trump. Further hint : One of East's plays offers a subtle but vital inference that you can draw.

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Bridge Baron deal No: N2169-09000-98705-31267-09527-12783

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Deal Of The Week